Growing Confidence for a Growing Family

Jazmín is a warm, loving mom of three girls under 6 years old. Her husband works hard to support their family, while Jazmín stays home with the girls. Jazmín is eager to learn more activities to share with her children and get them ready for preschool; she frequently asks Great Expectations for ideas. 

Jazmín and her visitor talk often about how the children are growing, how their personalities are developing, and how to create healthy boundaries. Jazmín wants to parent differently from the way she was raised. Unfortunately, that has strained Jazmín’s relationship with her own mother. Jazmín appreciates her visitor’s support as she continues to build confidence in her parenting skills. 

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Success Stories

Struggling to Survive

Abbie is a first-time mom struggling to survive. She confides in a nurse from Great Expectations: her boyfriend abuses her. One night, not long after

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